Public transportation in Leiria


In terms of distances Leiria is quite a small city. Bus station, IPLeiria’s campuses and everything else inside the city is within a walking distance for me. There is a well-functioning public transportation system available in the city also with buses running in every 15 minutes or so. These buses are called ‘Mobilis’.

When using Mobilis you are able to buy tickets straight from the driver and you can choose a single ticket (1,25€) or a whole day ticket (1,85€). If you’re aiming to use the service regularly it would be more vice for you to buy a monthly bus card that costs you 15,25€.

mobilis 1mobilis 2

Those are the routes and colors for Mobilis 1 and Mobilis 2.

Whereas, “Mobilis” route Red performs the connection between Hotel S. Luis and the school campus of IPL, “Mobilis” route green, performs the connection from the campus back to the city center.


This is a Mobilis bus in action.


Together with Mobilis Urbanas are the two transport services that make up the transport network. Urbanas are the ones that make the travels for longer distances.

Urbanas are both proper bigger buses and those minibuses that do the local transports in Leiria but they have that “Tejo”-logo in them and they don’t look like the Mobilis ones.

More information about visiting nearby towns and other places is available here:

Timetables, prices and online tickets.

tejo mobilis

Urbanas and Mobilis buses at the ESTG.


Tuomas Haapala Written by: