Some pharmacies in Leiria
There really isn’t need to make an introduction for this. It’s just a good continuum for the hospitals. From pharmacies you are able to pick your medication and such things. Well here is a list for some of the pharmacies in Leiria including locations.
Farmácia Lis
Open for 24 hours so you´ll find the things you need at any time. It´s located north from the city of Leiria and you´ll have to cross the river Rio Lis and get to Marrazes.
Address of Pharmacy:
Lot Water Street Rego 29/30 c / Dr / c, Gândara of Groves
2415-603 Leiria
tel. 244,882,609
Fax. 244 852 027
Farmácia Maio
The Pharmacy Maio is located at the Leiria Shopping and is open from 9am, closing at 23h Sunday to Thursday and 24 hours on Fridays and Saturdays.
Farmácia Central de Leiria Lda
The central pharmacy is located close to the centre of the city of Leiria like the name already tells you.
Farmácia Antunes
Farmácia Sanches
This is the one closest to me as it is located almost at the end of the Av. Marquês de Pombal. The pharmacy opens at 9am and is open until 9pm.
Here is a full list of pharmacies both in Leiria and nearby cities. With the address information you are easily able to find the one closest to you. Should be up to date as the page has been updated in 12th March.
And here are some on map.